Jan 25, 2022
The future of the internet is transparent

Let us talk about the inevitable reality of a democratic internet awaiting us

Nakul Singh
Content Writer

Internet and Human beings are more related than we think.

When the Internet started out, it was a toddler. It was still being molded into something by its parents. It was in Web 1.0 stage. Still figuring out how to go from one country to another, like we struggled to get to a different room at this stage.

The Internet today, and as we have known for a large part of our life, is currently in the Teenage phase of its lifecycle or the Web 2.0 stage. It has evolved not only itself but the world. It has been a game-changer in how we entertain ourselves, do business, and consume information.  

However, this stage also involves a lot of restrictions from parents. Accessibility restrictions, Data privacy issues, and much more just like us as teenagers when parents control our bedtime, what we see, and what we have access to.  

The Internet is a dangerous place if you are concerned about your data. Currently, you have no control over it. Your data is misused, Deepfakes (fake images/videos using your face) are on the rise, and Politics is influenced. Additionally, licensing and content restrictions result in data not being available throughout the globe. At this stage, we always feel we can do more with some changes but are being restricted in some way, shape, or form.

Adulthood or Web 3.0 is what we are heading towards. It is supposed to be the golden age of the Internet. The child is now an adult who is old enough to make his own rules but wants to provide the right things to everyone that he was denied as a toddler and as a teenager. The aim of this adult is decentralization and accessibility. This will be established by Open-source protocols and transparent blockchain networks. The adult hopes to ensure that systems and architects focus on data protection and authenticating information.

Decentralisation and Tokenisation are some of the main characteristics of Web 3.0.


It will result in the decline of censorship. Social media content, media content and any other form of information that is usually restricted based on various reasons will cease to be restricted because of locally situated decentralized servers. The idea is to take the deciding power from central massive agencies to decentralized individual users.


Imagine a video game character that acquires certain items. You can acquire lock stock and barrel ownership of your unique character by converting it into a digital token i.e. NFT (Non Fungible token) Anything from your online presence can be converted to tokens. Tokens can be thought of as shares that are used to transact in this digital world.  

We are heading towards an internet age where you will be in complete control over where your data goes and how your privacy is affected. Blockchain will help the experience become immersive and interactive. No one exactly knows what is going to happen in the future. But the foundations at least look strong.